TRAINING (2.4.1)

L'eau est une ressource d'importance centrale. Le portail web traite dans un language compréhensible les aspects hydrologiques, sociétaux, écologiques et de la gestion des eaux sont traités ici.en plus

Image : thomasfuer, photocase.deen plus

Symposium «Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology»

Lieu de l'événement


This symposium is part of the 14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting (18th and 19th November 2016 in Geneva). The session is open to contributions dealing with hydrology, limnology and hydrogeology at all scales and especially contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches. Additionally, this year particularly welcome are recent developments in urban hydrology or limnology and hydrogeology in regions with strong on-going socio-economic changes (population growth, land use change).

énergie hydraulique
Image : C. Ritz

Oral and poster presentations will be scheduled. To ensure attractive oral sessions, the organizers will select a number of applications for oral presentations. Keynote speakers will be invited.


  • Cycle de l'eau
  • Eau potable
  • Eaux souterraines
  • Eaux usées
  • Gestion des eaux
  • Hydrogéologie
  • Hydrologie, limnologie, glaciologie

Soumission d'un abstract


Langues : Anglais