TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le portail Web «SCNAT savoir» sert d’orientation. L'Académie suisse des sciences naturelles (SCNAT) et son réseau établissent l'état des connaissances sur la base de résultats scientifiques solides et en référence à la Suisse à l'attention de la politique, de l'administration, des affaires, de la science et de la pratique.en plus

Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

Open Online Course on Trans­disciplinary Research

Partnering for Change: Link Research to Societal Challenges

How can we address societal challenges with research? Investigate principles, processes, and applications of transdisciplinarity.

Flyer TD Mooc_2020
Image : td-net

The course presents transdisciplinary research as a living experience. With a basis on sound theoretical and methodological background, five outstanding projects illustrate promising different ways of dealing with complex societal challenges. The projects address a) health care for mobile pastoralists, b) water scarcity in the Alps, c) coping with decline in a mountain village, d) labour migration, and e) governance of antimicrobial resistance. Starting from these challenges, the course will take learners on a journey through the main phases and steps of transdisciplinary research projects.


Académies suisses des sciences
Réseau pour la recherche transdisciplinaire (td-net)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne