TRAINING (2.4.1)

Le portail Web «SCNAT savoir» sert d’orientation. L'Académie suisse des sciences naturelles (SCNAT) et son réseau établissent l'état des connaissances sur la base de résultats scientifiques solides et en référence à la Suisse à l'attention de la politique, de l'administration, des affaires, de la science et de la pratique.en plus

Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

Our Future on Earth

Science Insights into our Planet and Society

Our Future on Earth 2020 aims to tell the story of where we are on our collective journey by connecting the dots between what society is currently experiencing – from fires to food shortages to a rise in populism – with recent developments in the research community.

Our Future on Earth
Image : Future Earth

Humanity is at a critical stage in the transition to a more sustainable planet and society. Our actions in the next decade will determine our collective path forward. Our Future on Earth 2020 aims to tell the story of where we are on our collective journey by connecting the dots between what society is currently experiencing – from fires to food shortages to a rise in populism – with recent developments in the research community.

Source: Future Earth. Our Future on Earth 2020.


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