TRAINING (2.4.1)

Ce portail web donne accès à une compilation de méthodes et d'outils visant à faciliter la collaboration entre expert·e·s et parties prenantes issu·e·s de la science et de la pratique, afin de répondre aux défis sociétaux à la fois réels et propres à chaque contexte.en plus

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Compilations on participatory research

Guiding Principles of Integrative Science

What’s the purpose?The purpose of the guiding principles is to involve first nation people on equal footing in research. This is different from involving stakeholders grown up in western thinking, because the first nations world-views might differ considerably from western thinking.
Who provides the compilation?The Institute for Integrative Science & Health at Cape Breton University, Canada.
How does it differ from td-net’s compilation?The guiding principles provide five methods of how to collaborate, suggested by Mi’kmaw Elders. The main purpose is to have an exchange between first nation and western world-view on equal footing. This makes the compilation particularly interesting for transdisciplinary research with the purpose of holistic understanding. The compilation, however, does not target the collaboration of different disciplines.

RRI Toolkit

What’s the purpose?The Toolkit compiles information of the Responsible Research & Innovation Community; tailored according to profiles (professional sectors) and interests (ethics, gender equality, governance, open access, public engagement, science education). It includes a self-reflection tool on RRI.
Who provides the compilation?

Consortium of 26 partners from 19 European countries that include representatives from a wide range of stakeholders

Coordinated by "la Caixa" Foundation, Spain

What's special about this compilation?

The compilation is exhaustive and constantly growing (bottom-up approach to collect resources). It consists not only of tools, but also papers, project descriptions etc.. Filters for multi-criteria search are available, including the type of resource (tool, inspiring practice, project, library element).