TRAINING (2.4.1)

Ce portail web donne accès à une compilation de méthodes et d'outils visant à faciliter la collaboration entre expert·e·s et parties prenantes issu·e·s de la science et de la pratique, afin de répondre aux défis sociétaux à la fois réels et propres à chaque contexte.en plus

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We used the storywall method to identify factors that had helped or hindered interdisciplinary publishing in a research project on mountland areas:

Pohl C, Wuelser G, Bebi P, Bugmann H, Buttler A, Elkin C, Grít-Regamey A, Hirschi C, Le Q B, Peringer A, Rigling A, Seidl R, Huber R 2015. How to successfully publish interdisciplinary research: learning from an Ecology and Society Special Feature. Ecology and Society, V20, N2.

Process of publishing interdisciplinary research in mountain areas as result of applying the storywall method
Process of publishing interdisciplinary research in mountain areas as result of applying the storywall methodImage : G. Wülser