TRAINING (2.4.1)

La biologie synthétique vise à concevoir, reproduire ou modifier des systèmes biologiques. Le portail web examine les aspects scientifiques, éthiques, juridiques et sociaux de la biologie synthétique. L'accent est mis sur les projets et les activités en Suisse.en plus

Image : constantincornel, stock.adobe.comen plus

COSPAR report 2020-2022: Space Research in Switzerland

The present report is a compilation of the projects that have been conducted in Swiss research institutes in the field of space research over the period 2020 - 2021. The 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) in Athens this summer is the occasion for the delegations to advertise their activities in this domain sciences.

COSPAR: space research in Switzerland 2020-2022
Image : SCNAT

Source: S. Paltani, S. Nyeki (2022) Space Research in Switzerland 2020 - 2022 Swiss Academies Communication 17 (7)
